Shuttle Planet, Inc.
Shuttle Planet, Inc. Best Passenger Transport Marketplace 2018 As the success of online marketplaces grows and disrupts current industry standards, so is Shuttle Planet one of those hidden gems that might be the next bright thing solving a few of our problems, as we move about in the world today. On-demand transport is already proven… Continue reading Shuttle Planet, Inc.
Software and Technology Awards - 2018

Shuttle Planet, Inc.
Software and Technology Awards - 2018
Shuttle Planet, Inc.
Best Passenger Transport Marketplace 2018
As the success of online marketplaces grows and disrupts current industry standards, so is Shuttle Planet one of those hidden gems that might be the next bright thing solving a few of our problems, as we move about in the world today.
On-demand transport is already proven to be the future, so the potential of such a product is quite blatantly apparent at first sight, even though the company’s main focus is on areas that seemingly not a lot of people are looking at - areas with low passenger supply and demand, smoke screened behind the current smart city hype.