B2M Solutions
B2M Solutions Best Enterprise Mobility Analytics Software Provider 2018 B2M’s Elemez software gives you real-time visibility and actionable insights to eliminate downtime and improve utilization of all your mobile devices. Our real-time analytics allows you to be proactive, preventive and predictive in managing mobility, instead of always reacting to problems and outages after they occur. Elemez… Continue reading B2M Solutions
Software and Technology Awards - 2018

B2M Solutions
Software and Technology Awards - 2018
B2M Solutions
Best Enterprise Mobility Analytics Software Provider 2018
B2M’s Elemez software gives you real-time visibility and actionable insights to eliminate downtime and improve utilization of all your mobile devices. Our real-time analytics allows you to be proactive, preventive and predictive in managing mobility, instead of always reacting to problems and outages after they occur.
Elemez gives your IT and Operations Team the control they deserve to increase Mobile Performance, Prevent Mobile Device Failures, Relieve End-User Frustrations, Keep Your Workers Connected, Maximize Device Utilization and Lower the True Cost of Ownership™ (TCO) of Mobility.
For more information, please see: www.b2m-solutions.com