Businesses often have a variety of assets within their offices that can be strategically utilized to raise finance and stay on top of cash flow.

Leveraging these assets can provide businesses with the liquidity needed for expansion, operational improvements, or addressing short-term financial challenges. Here are several assets commonly found within offices that can be employed to raise finance:


If a business owns its office space or other commercial properties, these assets can be used to secure loans or lines of credit. 

Commercial mortgages, bridging finance or property-backed loans allow businesses to tap into the equity tied up in their real estate, providing a substantial source of financing.

Equipment and Machinery

Businesses often possess valuable equipment and machinery necessary for their operations. This includes office equipment, manufacturing machinery, or specialized tools. These assets can be used as collateral to secure loans or equipment financing, allowing the business to access capital while retaining the use of the assets.

Inventory and Stock

For businesses that maintain a substantial inventory, these goods can be used as collateral for financing. Inventory financing allows businesses to secure loans based on the value of their existing inventory. This can be crucial for managing cash flow during periods of high demand or when restocking is necessary.

Intellectual Property or IP

Companies often underestimate the value of their intellectual property (IP), including patents, trademarks, and copyrights. These assets can be used to secure loans or attract investors interested in the business’s unique offerings. However, valuing and leveraging IP requires careful assessment and legal considerations.

Company Vehicles

If a business owns a fleet of vehicles, these assets can be used to secure financing. This is particularly common in industries where transportation is a critical aspect of operations. Vehicle financing or refinancing can unlock the equity in the company’s fleet through logbook loans or collateral loans. The lender will typically give you 20% to 30% of the vehicle’s value and charge a little bit of interest on top.

Future Invoices

Outstanding invoices can be a valuable asset that businesses can monetize. Through invoice financing or factoring, companies can receive immediate cash by selling their accounts receivable to a third party at a discount. This is particularly useful for businesses with a significant accounts receivable balance but in need of immediate funds.

Furniture and Fixtures 

Office furniture, computers, and other fixtures can also be considered as assets for raising finance. While they may not individually contribute significant value, the collective worth of these items can be leveraged, especially in the case of larger businesses with extensive office infrastructure.

Contracts and Subscriptions

Long-term contracts or subscription-based revenue streams can be attractive to lenders or investors. Businesses with guaranteed future income through contractual agreements may be able to secure financing based on the reliability of these revenue streams.

Before using any of these assets to raise finance, it’s crucial for businesses to conduct a thorough assessment of their financial needs, the terms and conditions of potential financing arrangements, and the impact on day-to-day operations. Careful consideration and professional advice can help businesses make informed decisions about leveraging their office assets to secure the financing they require.