South America Business Awards 2020
forest fires, this being the most critical stage of the fight because a badly liquidated fire generates another fire that is normally of greater magnitude and damage than its predecessor. Therefore, the TCAS SG from Tequia comes to cover an important need in the liquidation stage of a forest fire, of which there have been some notable ones in the last few years. As has been previously mentioned, the product from Tequia has a high efficiency performance in heavy fuels since it does not need their removal for their extinction. All the field tests that were carried out by TCAS SG and Tequia allowed for verification that the control and settlements times can be reduced by fifty percent. Due to its specialist characteristics as a chemical compound, TCAS SG presents an excellent performance for the control of many different types of emergencies and fires, in many different types of locations. Whether it be an aircraft hangar or airport terminal, a shipyard or maritime terminal, landfill, forest, petrochemical plant, or mining facility, TCAS SG is a non fire-retardant, combustible gas eliminator for which Tequia deserves the highest praise. Ultimately, the future is one of exciting possibility for the team at Tequia, especially given the success of TCAS SG. Looking ahead, the firm aims to take part in multiple game-changing projects around the world, including one that seeks to transform plastics into a combustible liquid that does not harm the environment through gases and other emissions. Science is often at the forefront of innovation and change, and Tequia is showing the world exactly why chemical science is helping to save the environment from the damage that we are all doing to it. TCAS CATA is a catalyst that accelerates the natural processes of transformation of organic matter into bioavailable nutrients to be assimilated by vegetation. This process, which is carried out even in the absence of bacteria, is of the accelerated enzymatic kinetic type that allows shortening the natural transformation processes of organic matter that exceeds 4 months to less than 1 hour. This process is carried out at room temperature without requiring special temperatures to catalyze the processes. The great innovation of TCAS CATA and what makes it a unique product in the market, is its ability to inhibit the fermentation of decomposed organic matter since it changes the biological process by chemical degradation, accelerating the process, without the effects of fermentation as the emanation of gases and bad odors, this process allows to eliminate the sources of rot, helping to increase the speed of nutrient disposal. Company: Tequia Chile Contact: Claudio Rojas Barceló Email: Website: fires in recent times that have spread throughout nature, including those that have ravaged through Australia and the United States most notably. However, there are other fires that can cause damage that is just as severe. For instance, landfill fires burn plastics and release harmful gases into the atmosphere and cause untold damage to the environment. Forest fires and hydrocarbon fires are just as deadly, but there are things that Tequia is doing to combat the effects of these fires. First of all, it is helpful to understand how fires are often started in landfills. The fires that are caused in many unsanitary landfills often occur due to the fermentation of the decomposing organic matter that is there, which acts as precursor. This process of fermentation can then give way and give rise to flammable and explosive gases, which are the cause of such fires and the dispersion of toxic gases such as dioxins and furans that are carcinogenic in nature. Their very existence is hugely damaging to the environment, especially when materials such as plastics, rubber, woods, paper, and so many more combustible materials are lying there just waiting to be consumed in fire. This is where the work of Tequia and TCAS SG comes into the picture. TCAS SG can work on landfill fires in a very specific way. The application of this combustible gas eliminator ensures total neutralization of the aforementioned fermentation process, thus eliminating the generation of flammable gases and also getting rid of the temperature effect, which in turn cuts off the origin of the landfill fires. TCAS SG removes contamination from plastics, rubbers, or leftover building materials such as paint or industrial materials that normally degrade over a long period of time. What the chemical compound does is allow the elimination of toxic gases that displace oxygen, and that represent a significant risk to human health. Using the power of chemical science, Tequia has created a product that allows the entire burning surface to be turned off, releasing the emanation of gases and fumes into the environment without causing harm. TCAS SG is perhaps best used in a mixture with fresh, salt, or industrial waters, but only with a concentration of one percent. The way it works is this: upon contact with a fire or chemical, TCAS SG instantly eliminates fuel gas or hot gases, now allowing regrowth. This is a huge safety aspect that differentiates the product from others in the market. When applying to a landfill scenario, there are a multitude of ways that it can be dispersed and applied. For instance, a nozzle with adjustable flow, pressurized water fire extinguishers, compressed air foam systems, helicopters, or planes. Forest fires are another area in which TCAS SG from Tequia can be used to enormous effect. It acts directly when coming into contact with fuels that are in combustion, eliminating almost instantaneously all the types of gases that these generate. The efficiency range, therefore, is incredibly high. Rather than being a retardant for forest fires, Tequia wanted to create a product that put out the fire altogether. As TCAS SG is not a retardant, it can be applied in the liquidation stage of Best Chemical Products Development Company 2020 Aiming to be a company that is involved in changing the world, Tequia prides itself on the production of products that are one hundred percent environmentally-friendly and beneficial for the world as a whole.
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