N America News May 2017

NORTHAMERICANEWS / MAY 2017 63 Bridging the Gap g agent of change for many individuals. Thus, Chaplains serve as critical staff members that assist client/inmates who choose this path to enhance their knowledge of and commitment to the beliefs and practices of their faith. At the same time, chaplains work in collaboration with other clinical staff in support of formal treatment programs within the four-dimensional model used in Bridges facilities. For quality management purposes, we have identified four critical dimensions within which all functions of chaplaincy fall: Personal Development o Maintaining a Healthy Spiritual Relationship o Maintaining Effective Personal Relationships o Sustaining an Active Agenda for Professional Development Pastoral Ministry o Sharing the Good News of God’s Love o Offering Supportive Counseling o Leading Worship o Providing Religious Instruction o Promoting Spiritual Growth o Maintaining a Ministry of Presence within the Family o Building Relationships with Staff
