N America News June 2017

NORTHAMERICANEWS / JUNE 2017 5 NEWS , Rafael will start their implementation of aPriori at their design and engineering center in Haifa, and will be growing their deployment across their enterprise over the course of the multi-year program. Rafael is one of Israel’s largest defense companies, with 2016 sales of $2,166 million, an order backlog of $5,651 million and a net profit of $123 million. They develop and manufacture ad- vanced defense systems for the Israeli Defense Forces and the defense establishment, as well as for foreign customers around the world. Rafael offers its cus- tomers a diversified array of in- novative solutions at the leading edge of global technology, from underwater systems through naval, ground, and air superiority systems to space systems. Concurrent delivers value to creators and distributors of visual media including broadcasters, cable operators and post-production houses with AquariTM Storage, a modern software-defined storage system. Now qualified with Moonwalk Enterprise Data Management software v12, the integrated platform provides seamless management and migration by moving files from expensive proprietary primary storage to a scale-out storage system that supports multiple workloads simultaneously. Moonwalk’s unique capabilities can manage, monitor, and track data per policies based on pro- ject, location, user, group, size, name, time, access, and more, enabling simplified archiving, faster retrieval, and stronger governance. “Large enterprises, particularly those with Windows and NetApp file servers that are getting out of control, struggle to manage a sprawling infrastructure and sprawling file growth,” said Mi- chael Harvey, VP Business De- velopment at Moonwalk. “Using our software with Aquari Storage is a cost-effective and efficient solution for easing the demands on primary storage and gaining policy-based management over large data stores.” “By consolidating storage for all media workflows on a massively scalable storage system, visual media innovators can reduce total cost of ownership for media storage, increase flexibility and scalability for growing media content, and improve operational efficiency using modern data protection methods,” said Scott Ryan, Senior Vice President, Products at Concurrent. This joint solution delivers impressive results for file control and auto- mation in an enterprise infra- structure where there’s a need to contain cost and complexity.” www.moonwalkinc.com www.concurrent.com “Rafael has several key objec- tives they wish to accomplish through this strategic partnership with aPriori,” said Ofer Abraham, Project Manager in R&D and Engineering Division. “Our aim is to reduce cost driven changes late in the design cycle by iden- tifying cost-drivers in the early concept and preliminary detailed design stages. We also work with a large network of suppliers, and we will be using aPriori to generate cost estimates with detailed manufacturing data that allows us to negotiate more cost-effective agreements with these suppliers.” aPriori’s product cost manage- ment platform will provide Ra- fael’s design and sourcing teams with real-time cost estimates on parts and products in design. The software leverages CAD and intelligent cost models to quickly determine feasible manufacturing methods and product costs while generating detailed manufactur- ing analysis and cost estimates that quantify the impact of changes to product design, ma- terials, manufacturing processes, volumes and location in real time. aPriori will also provide the Rafael procurement and sourcing teams with regional cost bench- marks based on the company’s specific product requirements, enabling it to collaborate more effectively with its suppliers. “aPriori product cost manage- ment software takes the guess work out of what a new product design will cost when it gets into production, or what a sourced part should cost from a suppli- er in a particular region,” said Stephanie Feraday, President and CEO of aPriori. “What our customers say most often is that our ability to generate an accurate, detailed cost estimate in real-time not only helps them identify and mitigate cost drivers early in the process, but it helps them accelerate time to market by eliminating the latency they historically see with their manual cost estimating systems.” www.rafael.co.il www.apriori.com Integrated Data Management Solution for Enterprise Scale Concurrent, a global leader in storage, protection, transformationanddeliveryof visual assets, andMoonwalkUniversal, a specialist in large-scale datamanagement solutions, on June 20 announced the availabilityof an integrated solution that significantly improves storage cost efficiency anddrives storage consolidationby automating storage placement of large data volumes.

http://www.apriori.com/ http://www.bwise.com/ http://www.cloudbeds.com/ http://www.concurrent.com/ http://www.corporateamerica-news.com/ http://www.moonwalkinc.com/ http://www.peakspancapital.com/ http://www.rafael.co.il/