Andean State Awards 2018

8 LATIN AMERICA NEWS / Andean State Business Excellence Awards 2018 , Digiware Digiware is the expert provider of comprehensive strategies generation in information security in Latin America. We profile the firm to learnmore about the innovative range of solutions it offers and how these have helped propel it to the success it enjoys today. Founded in 1996, today Digiware draws on more than 21 years of experience in the development of integral security solutions summarized in more than 2,000 projects in the continent. With more than 200 professionals, it has a certified security elite group that works for the sustainability of its clients with a portfolio based on critical infrastructure, cybersecurity and cyber-defense. Digiware is active member of cyber security in Latin America, is part of the OEA commission for the development of cybersecurity in Colombia and is linked to Cloud Security Alliance or SCA. Thanks to its vast experience in the industry, Digiware is aware of the enormous challenge facing the areas of information security today, the supports in the definition, implementation and maintenance of strategic programs of information security, which are integrated with the business strategy. Therefore, Digiware proves to its clients that security as a strategy can bring return on investment, because it takes into account the real needs of the companies, their critical processes and goes beyond providing technological infrastructure, becoming its ally in the protection of one of its assets most important, information. Today, Digiware is the leader of iSOC in Latin America thanks to its superior vision, based on Gartner’s Intelligence Driven Security Operation Center (idSOC) methodology. DigiSOC, expertly, has grouped the best technologies, the best human talent and the best practices in terms of processes to build a unique capacity to Predict, Detect, Analyze, Respond and Recover to digital security incidents. The new era of information framed in digital transformation is generating unprecedented attacks, which is why Digiware has developed cognitive capabilities that allow its idSOC to operate in an automated way thanks to SANDRA (Alert System and Risk-Awareness Notification), an application of Machine Learning in digital security and detection of advanced threats, through the cognitive security of its BRAINIAC solution. Ultimately, Digiware is a pioneer in the development of portfolio of digital security in the world, provided innovative solutions in information protection organizations, unlike many of its competitors in Latin America and the Caribbean. Looking ahead, the firm will be seeking to continue to offer an innovative range of solutions that meet its clients’ needs so that it can remain a key player in this ever evolving and constantly growing market. AEA18006