Corp America January 2017

24 CORP AMERICA / JANUARY 2017 , “Wellness isn’t just one- dimensional. It’s a complete way of looking at our health.” Aegis Therapies is one of America’s foremost providers of rehabilitation therapy and wellness services, primarily serving the post-acute healthcare market. This is an especially key area of healthcare whose importance will only continue to enhance has increasing numbers of patients require care in order to restore their medical and functional capacity and enable them to re-enter day-to-day life, whilst preventing any further deterioration. Helping You to Get Better Every Day Hal Price is SVP of Strategic Partnerships at Aegis Therapies; he has a direct managerial role in the sales and marketing departments at Aegis, and also bears overall responsibility for the company’s marketing. He summarises this latter role as being involved in the overall branding, promoting and positioning of the company on the market, and the Market Mover program is a firm example of this, being a training and marketing support system designed to assist in the driving of censuses, identifying the right service to optimize growth and developing the framework for successful long‐ term strategic relationships. These relationships form a central part of Hal’s third major role, as he works not only with agencies and institutions, but also with any individual anywhere in the country where there is a potential opportunity to allow Aegis Therapies to grow. Hal, who originally began his career as a chronic speech pathologist, has an academic background that once set him down the road to becoming a College President. On the way to gaining experience in academic management, though, he took a job with a small private practice in speech pathology, which ultimately grew to become the pioneer of modern physical- occupational speech therapy contract service model. When the company was sold in 2000 after 13 years of service, Hal came to Aegis, and has not looked back since; his ongoing work in Business Development also places Hal in charge of all growth- related aspects of the company. As SVP, Hal explores his devoted focus on managing his staff in an effective, positive, and forward-thinking manner. “Our personnel are divided into two primary groups,” he explains, “one of which is focussed around business development – this group is a combination of sales people and their support teams through a variety of administrative functions. The other primary group would be our marketing team, who are responsible for all of our media communications.” It is for his leading role and notable accomplishments in these crucial area that Aegis is recognised for Corporate Excellence in Sales & Marketing, and Hal capitalises on this by explaining the significance of post-acute healthcare, and the company’s place within this growing market. “When we talk about post-acute healthcare,” he begins, “what we are typically referring to is a system by which we are working with patients that are have received treatment at a hospital – once they are discharged, we take control of their case so that we can provide a wide array of physical, occupational, or physiotherapeutic services. We work with folks that are in long-term acute care hospitals, as well as rehab hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities. “Not only this, but we can also cater to our patients at their home as well as specific outpatient locations.” With this broad base of service provision, as Hal describes, Aegis Therapies are well situated to address the needs of anyone that wants to come for additional services above and beyond what they have been prescribed. “We try to make sure that our services – whether it is physical- or occupational-based, or related to speech therapy – are available to all people in all potential settings.” This is especially true in the context of an increasingly elderly population, and Hal discusses the approach by which Aegis approaches the market, so as to make the maximum and post positive impact that it can. “There is a certain mindset that a company and its people adopt when they enter a caregiving position; I am always to be sure that we are always reinforcing within the company – through our branding, positioning and our communications – exactly why it is that we are here and what we are providing. Going forward, we want to make sure that we represent this clearly to all the people that we are doing business with, as well as our future clients.” Building upon this discussion of the company’s responsibilities to its patients, Hal explores the implications for the wider industry on adopting policies based upon the same self-reflective, preventative and forward-thinking service model that is provided by Aegis Therapies. “Wellness isn’t just one- dimensional. It’s a complete way of looking at our health and how we maintain it. It’s a philosophy of prevention, not treatment. The EnerG® by Aegis programs have been designed 1612CA01