2018 Business Elite Awards - US Business News

14 US BUSINESS NEWS / 2018 Business Elite Awards , Washington On-Site Sewage Association of its members, consumers and local government to ensure that they put the water back into these communities the way it was found. With more than 500 industry professional members and member companies in the state of Washington, WOSSA serves as the voice of the on-site industry and the resource for its members in service to their communities. Looking ahead, WOSSA will continue to support its members and connected industries to ensure that they continue to replenish nature’s support system with a long term sustainable approach to wastewater disposal and treatment. Founded in 1990, WOSSA was originally established to provide a united defense against a lawsuit that impacted non- engineering designers in the State of Washington as affected third parties. The legal right of local health jurisdictions to certify licensed engineering designers was challenged in court. WOSSA was able to make a reasonable defense and participate in the process, which has allowed non-engineers to continue to Best Wastewater Industry NPO 2018 Washington On-Site Sewage Association (WOSSA) is a non-profit trade association serving the on-site wastewater industry. We profile this unique organization to find out more and explore the vital work it has been undertaking in this sector for over 28 years. practice. This effort helped lead to the current Statewide designer licensing program currently being developed and administered by the Department of Licensing. From these humble beginnings, the organization has grown to encompass all disciplines within the industry, from regulators to pumpers. In around 1998, the state Pumpers organization merged with WOSSA adding their voice. Today the organization has grown to encompass all disciplines of the industry, has continued to expand its impact, and supports improvement in all of the industry’s professions. These professional areas include regulators, designers, installers, operations and maintenance support, and manufacturers/ suppliers operating in the state of Washington. WOSSA has since become a leading onsite professional membership association for the onsite septic industry with key consideration to the Consumer, Public Health and the Environment. Washington State has approximately 1.5 million decentralized wastewater systems in use: it is WOSSA’s mission as an Association, with the help Dec18153 Company: Washington On-Site Sewage Association Contact: Chuck Ahrens Website: www.wossa.org

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