2017 Software & Technology Awards

6 US BUSINESS NEWS / Software & Technology Awards 2017 , LabRoots is the leading scientific social networking website and producer of educational virtual events and webinars. We caught up with Karen Sorenson to find out more. Best Science & Technology Social Networking Service 2017 - USA Founded in 2008, LabRoots emphasizes digital innovation in scientific collaboration and learning. Over the years, the firm has become a primary source for trending scientific news, educational webinars, virtual conferences and more. Offering more than articles and webcasts that go beyond the mundane and explore the latest discoveries in the world of science, LabRoots users can stay atop their field by gaining continuing education credits from a wide range of topics through their participation in the webinars and virtual events. New members can join for free and become part of the most extensive scientific learning community in the world. Karen discusses the firm’s solution in more detail and outlines how it ensures excellence for users. “As a premier social networking site focused on education, LabRoots provides next- generation digital marketing opportunities that allow our clients to craft their message and target a specific audience. That LabRoots development and production teams have recently undertaken a significant endeavor to update the virtual webinar platform on LabRoots. “Incorporating HTML5 and the best elements of web hosting, through our new platform and working with our teams, LabRoots offers companies leading the way in scientific research, testing, and diagnostics to create branded registration pages and microsites for their educational webinars, as the LabRoots teams produce all aspects of the webinar. “Thanks to our innovative solution, companies can not only present their advancements in lab instruments or research discoveries but genuinely engage with their target audience with newly implemented gamification features during our webinars and virtual events. During these online webinars, audience members can obtain badges and participate in leaderboard ratings.” Since inception, LabRoots has always emphasized digital innovation in scientific collaboration and learning, becoming a primary source for current scientific news, webinars, virtual conferences and more. By participating in LabRoots virtual events and webinars, participants can earn continuing education and/or continuing medical education credits. Each event offers different educational credits based on the content of the event and the eligibility of each individual presentation. As part of this approach, LabRoots makes it extremely easy to earn educational credits; participants must view an entire presentation. Following the presentation, they must click on the educational credit link provided for that particular speaker and follow the required process. Once the process is completed, they will receive a certificate for the educational credit. Eager to extend that to the next generation of innovators, LabRoots supports young students pursuing degrees in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In 2017, as part of its dedication to foster academic pursuits of STEM studies, LabRoots launched a scholarship program for young scientists seeking a degree in the STEM Fields. This scholarship program aims to encourage and develop students’ interest in STEM and prolong research goals. To date, LabRoots has awarded three scholarships to outstanding students. In addition to the online portal, LabRoots has recently launched a store section to sell science- themed apparel for all science lovers. From topics like genetics and biology, LabRoots offers a large selection of shirts for men, women, and children. The firm has created original t-shirt designs for more than five years, to give away to our users at tradeshows. The worldwide LabRoots Store gives shoppers access to LabRoots merchandise, once available exclusively at those physical tradeshows. The store has 20 of LabRoots most popular t-shirt designs. Each design is available in men’s, women’s and children’s sizes. ST170003

http://www.chevinfleet.com/us/fleet-management-software/ http://www.labroots.com/ http://www.logigear.com/