2023 Legal Elite Award Packages

Packages About Us Introduction thenewworldreport.com New World Repor t is proud to announce the eagerly ant ic ipated return of the Legal El i te Awards for i ts ninth instal lment ! The Legal El i te Awards 2023 aims to place a spot l ight on your f i rm’s posi t ion as an innovator and trend-set ter throughout the legal industry, whi le simul taneously informing potent ial c l ients and col leagues al ike that your displayed excel lence is at trac t ing at tent ion from across the Americas. We highl ight the most respec ted and establ ished law f i rms and individuals and place a concentrated focus on the notable achievements demonstrated from our successful awardees! The legal industry remains as f ierce and compet i t ive as ever, wi th the increase of work as resul t of demand leading to a growing war for legal talent. Over the past twelve months, there’s been an increasing surge in at torneys outsourc ing mundane tasks such as case preparat ion and eDiscovery to spec ial ist f i rms. According to exper ts, the outsourc ing of legal processes wi l l cont inue to be a growing piece of the industry in the year ahead, providing law f i rms wi th services related to account ing, legal bi l l ing, and various tech func t ions thus al lowing them to per form at an even greater capac i ty.