A boutique consulting company focused on expanding capacity, developing leadership, and strengthening operations, The Alchemist Agency provides creative solutions for positive business scale. From keynote speaking and leadership training to consultancy, executive coaching, social justice advocacy, founder Dr Joynicole Martinez has developed a truly comprehensive line of solutions for management and development. Building the capacity of purpose-driven organizations, corporations, and executives, she works with diligence and tenacity in order to improve her clients for the better.
The Alchemist Agency – a capacity-building business with a difference – has built a reputation for excellence thanks to the hard work of its founder. Being a management and leadership development consulting firm, its focus is on building its clients’ organizations into something bigger, better, more sustainable, and more socially responsible; both towards its clients and internally towards its staff. Nominally, Dr Joynicole Martinez has brought this into fruition as the culmination of her 20 years of training and experience with capacity-building, from fund development and leadership to board training, strategic planning, performance management and optimization of certain business processes.
Moreover, as an advocate for community advancement and public health, Dr. Martinez has developed an outstanding number of initiatives garnered towards the improve of such things in a corporate world. Strengthening health, wellness, and social empathy amongst teams, she educates professionals about the realities of mixed income, mixed finance housing communities, the social detriments of poor health, the truth in equity, and the importance of strictly observing – and knowing – one’s human rights. For her hard work and tenacity, in each of these fields and many others, she was awarded the African Community Service award for her efforts and contributions to the African diaspora abroad program in the United States.
Using the education she has received as her foundation – a BA in political science from the College of Charleston, MBA from Phoenix University, DSc. in Counseling, and DHSc. In Health Science – she has gone on to concentrate her focus on leadership and organizational behaviour, working with A.T. Still University and having received her certification as a Six Sigma Green Belt. She is also an inaugural member of the Peace50 Community, an international think tank and engagement group geared towards policy recommendations that will contribute towards the achievement of global peace. Consequentially, with someone as incredible as this leading the way for The Alchemist Agency, its clients can rest assured that they are in the most capable of hands.
For business enquiries, contact Dr. Joynicole Martinez from The Alchemist Agency on their website – http://www.thealchemistagency.com/