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South America & Caribbean Business News


Latest Stories From South America & Caribbean Business News

South America & Caribbean Business News

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Tata Communications Extends Emerging Markets Reach To…

Tata Communications Extends Emerging Markets Reach To Brazil

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South America & Caribbean Business News

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Digital schoolbook for people with disabilities

The Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) is working on a project to adapt traditional textbooks for schoolchildren…

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South America & Caribbean Business News

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Former Chief of Staff Antônio Palocci gets…

Antônio Palocci, a former Finance Minister and Chief of Staff under the administration of the Workers' Party (PT), was sentenced…

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South America & Caribbean Business News

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Public debt increases to $975.6 billion

Brazil's Federal Public Debt—which includes the domestic and external debt—rose 0.26% from $972.95 billion in April to $975.6 billion in…

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South America & Caribbean Business News

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“Why do we have to die for…

The Guarani-Kaiowa indigenous peoples in Mato Grosso do Sul do not let their guard down in their struggle to obtain…

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South America & Caribbean Business News

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Low turnout in non-binding referendum

Barely 23 percent of the electorate turned out to vote to decide on independence, statehood, or to remain a US…

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South America & Caribbean Business News

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Police intercepts plane with 500 kg cocaine

A twin engine aircraft carrying 500 kilos of cocaine was intercepted by a Brazilian Air Force (FAB) A-29 Super Tucano…

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South America & Caribbean Business News

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Venezuela Showcases Universal Health Care

While universal health care sounds wonderful and is often promoted as a goal for the US, the recent results in…

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South America & Caribbean Business News

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First Nanotechnology Lab in the Brazilian IT…

NanoLab is part of a $4M investment in IBM Research-Brazil focused on Oil & Gas, Agriculture and Health research across…

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