Bambridge Accountants is a team of award winning, chartered accountants based in the heart of Covent Garden. Alistair Bambridge talks us through his company and the services it provides.
We focus on two areas, the creative industries and US expats. By focusing on two specific groups of clients, we have been able to develop highly specialised knowledge for those clients. Each client has a dedicated accountant, so you always know who you are dealing with and you receive a personalised service.
Specifically for the US expats, we have highly trained staff, qualified to practice in both the UK and US. As such we can advise on the interaction of the tax rules for the UK and US and how to report your income in both countries. The main advantage of our approach is that we know the tax reliefs and exemptions that apply to expats and how best to minimise your tax across both countries.
Staying ahead of these changes is particularly important because both UK and US tax rules are constantly being updated. In order to remain at the forefront of these developments we have regular in house training, and being qualified in both countries means we have the most up to date knowledge from the organisations we are members of. We also publish the US Tax Return Guide for Expats each year.
At Bambridge Accountants, we are looking for excellence from our staff. Because we only employ exceptional individuals, we invest heavily in our staff; nurturing them, providing extensive training and development, so that they can reach their full potential whilst delivering the very best services to our clients.
Moving forward the business is set to expand rapidly in order to capitalise on our current success. Over the next 12 months we are setting up an office in New York, and will continue to specialise in the creative industries, advising individuals with their personal tax returns and companies on the New York film tax relief.